Looking Forward…with Hope

I'm excited for the year ahead, and have decided upon simple resolutions: Live joyfully, worry less, be brave, have hope.  That is it.

Mostly, I've just been wondering about the year ahead. I have absolute confidence in the greatness it holds .  Usually my thoughts are all wrapped up with how I need to make myself a better person, make my life more beneficial, make my body more "ideal". But this year? I am going to spend it embracing the moment. Embracing each day, each high and low, each relationship, each lesson, each success and failure and each challenge.

As the first post of the year I am going to share a bit on the house update.  My “plan” ( now that I have a new fabulous camera) is to start having before and after photos every week.  Some of the before and after’s may be from the past, but I think that it will be fun to go back a review how far we have come.  But before I begin the “plan”, I will start with what we spent our Saturday doing!


Copy (2) of IMG_0067                       Copy (2) of IMG_0069                

Copy (2) of IMG_0081                        IMG_0088

Copy (2) of IMG_0089                          IMG_0094

IMG_0098                         IMG_0100

Copy of IMG_0105                          Copy of IMG_0110

IMG_0114                           IMG_0112

IMG_0113                            IMG_0116

Copy of IMG_0117                             IMG_0122

IMG_0123                            Copy of IMG_0125

IMG_0127                           IMG_0128

IMG_0124                          IMG_0131

                         Adam saying “What have we done!?”                                         Initials from when we first moved in!

IMG_0132                          Copy of IMG_0107

                                                           Yes, you are seeing correctly, this is how we live:)

                                                                                            Until next time!


Biz January 9, 2011 at 4:54 PM  

you guys are like a superhero couple - between the home renovations and triathlons it is one big adventure! love the before & afters!