Catching up…..majorly!

I know, I know.  Really there is no excuse for my long absence except for the usual, “we work too much, we have been working on the house” excuse.  I have a ton of things to catch you up on and I have found a new program to post updates!  We will see how this works!

first and most importantly, i would like to introduce my new nephew!!!  aiden viala sharp, born feb. 6th and perfect might i add. 

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another new great announcement!  my sister, and momma of this new precious baby boy has just found out that she got accepted to the doctors of nursing program in Memphis, tn!  only 20 people in the country got chosen and she is one of them.  i am so proud of her for teaching her new baby the ways of life and now she will become a doctor!  I am so proud to be her big sister and can’t wait to get to see and hold the little man soon!

Now for the updates that so many people have been asking me about!  THE HOUSE!  We have made so much progress and hope to see it continue moving forward at a steady pace.  There truly isn’t enough time in the week to get it all done, but we are making due with what we have.  BEWARE, LOTS OF PICTURES AHEAD!


Our closets currently


The new lights in where the new kitchen will be!                                       


Before the hardy board.

Some of the hardy up! (WHAT COLOR SHOULD WE PAINT IT?)100_3616    100_3620 100_3621

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Insulated walls!  I am SO ready for sheetrock!

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Our landing area after I ripped up the carpet.  No you are not mistaken…that is plywood that we are living on:)

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Adam’s amazing plumbing work.  He did it all himself(with some help from his bro)!

Might I add, that he REDID the WHOLE houses plumbing!

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New bathtub and where the closet will be with the sliding door.

There is so much progress.  If you think about it, we moved in this house May 5th or so last year, so we are coming up on a year and we have done so much!  That is the way that we have to think about it… keep sane of course. 

We CANNOT wait until summer comes and we have TONS of visitors.  We are hoping to have the bedrooms set up by that time!  More pictures and updates to come! 



Anonymous April 7, 2010 at 8:48 AM  

Can I just tell you that I am so jealous of your tub!

Your house is going to be AWESOME!

April Bagwell April 7, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

Beautiful! Girl I sooooo know what it is like to LIVE inside your project. It is no fun at all. I am proud of you for have a good attitude about it : ) I hope the Bagwells are on the visitor list for the summer : ) Nice to know you are still alive!